Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement (PEMS)
Cornous Environmental Sciences (CES) is a peer-reviewed journal that guarantees the highest standards of publication ethics regarding ethical issues, errors, and retractions. The Journal's editorial board is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the publications by preventing malpractices such as plagiarism, multiple submissions, and conflict of interest. The Journal is bound to COPE's ethical ( standards and its principles for dealing with acts of misconduct and pledging to investigate any misconduct complaints to ensure the integrity of research.
Editor-in-Chief's Responsibilities
The Editor-in-Chief is ultimately responsible for improving the Journal's quality and impact while upholding the highest ethical and competence standards. The Editor-in-Chief is the deciding authority to select the Journal's executive editors and editors. Furthermore, the Editor-in-Chief decides on submission acceptance and rejection after receiving comments from the concerned topic specialist editor throughout the peer-review process. The Editor in Chief creates journal policies and ethics. Editor in Chief shall analyze editorial member inclusion applications' quality and select the editorial board members.
Editorial Board Member's Responsibilities
The Editor is responsible for the publication's contents and general quality, which can be guaranteed with the support of appropriate reviewers and authors. Editors employ techniques to improve research work's quality, usefulness, originality, completeness, and clarity. The Editor follows the manuscript submissions and decides whether the manuscript can be sent for peer review after analyzing plagiarism (Turnitin), content quality, workflow, readability, and future impact on the scientific society. The eligible manuscripts will be sent for peer review with a minimum of two reviewers (double-blinded). The Editor will analyse the comments from the reviewers, and the recommendations will be submitted to the Chief Editor. Besides, editorial board members will promote the Journal to get more articles for the Journal. The Editor has prime responsibility to maintain the integrity of the research contents in the manuscript. Editors should not expose or disclose the contents submitted by authors to any others except editorial board members and potential reviewers. Conflicts of interest between employees, authors, reviewers, and board members should not be permitted by editors. The Editor must follow the COPE flowcharts in situations involving alleged misconduct or disputed authorship.
Reviewer Responsibilities
Reviewers have the right to reject or accept the review invitation promptly. The manuscript received by reviewers should be treated as a confidential document to ensure the secrecy of the information or content present in the manuscript. Reviewers should not process the manuscript further for publication if there is any conflict of interest on authorship, institution, ownership, license, and funding. Reviewers should ensure that all the contributors are acknowledged with the proper citation in the manuscript content by the author(s). Reviewer(s) should not consider the race, age, gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief, citizenship, political orientation, or social class of authors during the peer review process.
Author's responsibility
Author(s) should submit their work to the Journal, and the same manuscript should not be published elsewhere also not being considered for publication in any other journal. The author should take sole responsibility for getting ethical clearance for the manuscript. Suppose any manuscript is published in multiple journals. In that case, the authors(s) should take complete responsibility for retracting the manuscript from the Journal where the same manuscript is published redundantly.
Individual contributions should be described as an Author Contributions statement to provide appropriate credit to all contributors and assign accountability for published work. The Statement of Author Contributions is essential. It should be included in the submission. It can be a few sentences long and should quickly define each author's responsibilities.
During the submission, peer review, and publication process, the corresponding author should take responsibility for being in contact with the Journal and editorial office till the publication process end. After publishing, the corresponding author should be willing to address any questions or comments.
In case of a change of address, the current address may also be stated if the author has moved since the work was primarily done. Addresses will not be updated or changed after the publication of the article.
Upon submission, authors are strongly advised to ensure the correct author group, corresponding author, and order of authors. Adding or deleting authors, or changing the corresponding author, or changing the order of authors is not acceptable for submission after the acceptance of the manuscript for publication.
The submissions are analyzed utilizing Turnitin plagiarism detection software. Upon. Detection of plagiarism, the COPE plagiarism guidelines will be followed. The manuscript with plagiarised content will be rejected without any tolerance by the Editor without processing for peer review.
Conflict of interest
If there is a conflict of interest during the review process or after acceptance and publication, the Journal will not be responsible for investigating or arbitrate. Authors should take responsibility for resolving the dispute themselves. If this is not possible, the Journal reserves the right to withdraw the manuscript from the editorial process. The Journal reserves the right to retract the manuscript if it is published.
Suppose anyone points out a factual error in the published manuscript. In that case, the Editor is responsible for correcting the errors in the manuscript with the consent and support of the corresponding author. If there is no chance to resolve the error by the corresponding author and Editor, the manuscript could be retracted without any tolerance. Also the duplicated publication will be retracted after asking the clarifications from the corresponding author.
Archiving: Authors are allowed to upload their manuscript to any abstracting and indexing databases
For indexing, details click here
The Journal of Innovative Agriculture is following the COPE guidelines for the Editors, Reviewers, Authors, and Publishers as follows
· Authorship and contributorship
· Conflicts of interest / Competing interests