Tef is largely grown in Ethiopia and plays a vital role in food security. However, its production and productivity are adversely affected by various factors; among these lodging is the major one. It affects yield and deteriorates the quality of grain and straw. The risk of lodging is determined by environmental factors, inputs, plant architecture, and stem composition. The strength of the culm internode is enhanced by nutrients like silicon, potassium, and phosphorus. However, the high nitrogen application makes the low strength of the base and increases the upper vegetative parts resulting in high lodging. Besides, chemical compositions like lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, and carbohydrates have a positive effect on stem strength and helpful in improving lodging. Moreover, comprehensive investigations that combine conventional and molecular breeding and study on tef anatomical, morphological and chemical compositions are useful to improve tef lodging resistance.
tef lodging, stem strength, biochemical, silicon, nutrients
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