The agroforestry system represents a significant part of the environmental improvement in Niger. It contributes to food security and is a source of income for many households in this country. This study assessed the contribution of the agroforestry system based on Moringa oleifera Lam. to ecological resilience, particularly in terms of carbon sequestration in the urban commune of Tibiri-Gobir. There are many different cropping associations using moringa, depending on the farmer's objective. Thus, about ten moringa-based agroforestry practices have been identified in this area. In addition, this moringa-based agroforestry system contributes significantly to ecological resilience through carbon sequestration. Its growth capacity and root system now allow for the storage of a large amount of carbon in the soil and thus reduce the negative effects of climate change. In order to quantify the carbon sequestered by this system, the destructive method was applied to a sample of 30 moringa plants collected from 6 sites along the valley of Goulbi Maradi. Finally, local allometric models were developed to estimate the dry biomass of trees and their capacity to store carbon. Thus, a moringa-based agroforestry system can store up to 1.7tonne/ha of carbon in a monoculture and 0.54 tonne/ha in Mixed cropping.
Moringa oleifera, climate change, agroforestry, carbon sequestration, allometric equation
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