The present investigation was carried out in the Purna valley of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra to study the effect of sodium adsorption ratio with total electrolyte concentration and on degree of dispersion of salt affected soils in Maharashtra. The sampling was done in the month of October, 2013. The soil samples were taken from two sites; at the depth of 0-20 cm (surface soil) and 20- 40 cm (sub-surface soil) respectively. For equilibration of soil samples the synthetic waters were prepared with 4 levels of total electrolyte concentrations (TEC) i.e. 10, 20,40,80 meL-1 with three levels of SAR viz., 5, 10 and 15 mmol1/2L-1/2. Electrolyte concentrations significantly affect the degree of dispersion. With increasing electrolyte concentration degree of dispersion decreases which usually increase the permeability of the soil. Dispersed clay particles clogged the micro pores which ultimately affect the hydraulic conductivity of the soil.
Total electrolyte concentration, Sodium adsorption ratio, Swelling Percentage, Mean weight diameter
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