Feed shortage is the major limiting factor in the tropics during the dry season, particularly in Ethiopia. This study was designed to assess indigenous fodder tree/shrub species and evaluate the nutritional quality, which can easily be found during the dry season. A multistage sampling procedure was employed to conduct the present study. Group discussion, key informant interviews, and questioners were tools used to collect primary and secondary data. Leaf samples of fodder tree/shrub species were collected, dried, ground, packed, and send to the laboratory for nutritive value analysis. In the wet season, the feed source is green grass whereas leaf biomass of trees/shrubs, crop residue/straw, and cuttings of Enset with other additive concentrate are used as an alternative feed source during the dry period. The present study result revealed that Milletia ferruginea, Vernonia amygdalina, Hygenia abysinica, Terminalia laxiflora, Ficus sure, and Musa species were most ranked and have good nutritional quality. These species are taken the concentration of farmers because of their availability during the dry season to sustain livestock production. Based on the result in the study area , livestock feed is a main factor in the dry season, at the same time there are enough feed sources with higher nutritional value but not similarly well known by all farm households. Therefore, indigenous fodder trees/shrubs are recommended as suitable sources of feed during the dry period, and integrating into different agroforestry practices and management options should be designed to provide sustainable feed for livestock production.
agroforestry, fodder species, land use type, leaf analysis, production components
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