The economy of the South Omo Zone heavily relies on livestock and crop production, but there are multiple challenges and constraints that are affecting these sectors. It is important to identify these issues at the grassroots level because the approach of delivering agricultural technologies from the top-down is not effective. This study was conducted to assess agricultural production and productivity constraints and opportunities in the Dasenech and Nyagatom districts of Ethiopia. To achieve the intended purpose, one Kebele was chosen from each district, and one pastoral and agro-pastoral research and extension group (PAPREG), which consisted of about 25 agro-pastoralists (15 males and ten females) was formed after conducting a community meeting. The existing crop varieties, productivity per hectare, prevailing agronomic practices, existing livestock breeds, livestock feed bases, animal husbandry system, agricultural technological demands and crop and livestock production constraints, and opportunities were important issues forwarded to PAPREG members. The results showed that a shortage of improved crop varieties and gasoline was ranked first and second in both districts, while drought was ranked third in Dasenech and sixth in Nyagatom district. Crop diseases and pests were ranked fifth in both districts, and a lack of awareness of improved agronomic practices was ranked third in Nyagatom and sixth in Dasench district. The agro-pastoralists in both districts were ranked feed shortages, animal disease and parasite prevalence, and limited access to veterinary services as first, second and third, respectively. In Dasench, the lack of improved breed and forage seeds was ranked fourth, while in Nyagatom, it was fifth. The Dasenech pastoralists strongly preferred cultivating improved Panicum grass, whereas the Nygatom preferred cultivating improved sorghum. The availability of fertile farmland and the sustainable Omo River present important opportunities for small-scale producers and investors. Based on the findings, efforts should be made to boost agricultural production and productivity by introducing improved crop and forage varieties, managing diseases and pests, improving indigenous breeds, strengthening veterinary drug supply services, developing improved forage banking systems, and providing capacity-building services.
agriculture, agro-pastoralists, production, productivity, constraints, opportunities
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